Cammy & Guile in Fortnite

Cover art created in Unreal to promote the Street Fighter characters Cammy and Guile coming to Fortnite. The task was to bring together some of the new cosmetic elements that players will encounter like outfits and emotes, all in a static image that could be used in multiple ways across Fortnite and social media. We figured it would be best to capture Cammy and Guile mid-battle against aliens on a spaceship, showcasing their iconic fighting styles as it tied in with the current season at the time.


I am responsible for the overall look and feel of the image, including: Lighting, Camera Layout, Set dressing, Character posing, Fog/effect placing, Texture upressing.
Concept Art developed by Zach Rabon
Post 2d work done by Anna Mullin
Character & Environment base modeling and texturing done by the internal CG team

Thank you